Trustpilot Reviews | BMI Certified IQ Test | Page 2

Trustpilot Reviews

Stephanie Ball

The most professional online IQ test I have ever taken! Especially the report was excellent. Provides a detailed breakdown of your performance on various cognitive areas, it even shows you how you compare with others!

Michael Thompson

Excellent test! Results were emailed to me immediately. Also received a high quality Certificate and a Report that showed me in which cognitive areas I need to work more in order to boost my IQ. Totally worth its money!


I was hesitant at first to purchase the results; however the thought of seeking a detailed report regarding my score was intriguing enough to complete the purchase. I was not disappointed with my purchase, the report explained all the tested aspects extremely well. I was completely satisfied with my results and absolutely love the insight given in the report

Anita Fisher

This was a very interesting test and although you are asked to pay $19.99 to receive your score, it is money well spent. The report is broken down by category which allows you to see where your strenths are and where you are weak in analyzing these items

Davis Booth

I was initially hesitant to pay for my results, but after reading a few reviews and finally claiming my results I couldn’t be happier with the professionalism. Most definitely worth the effort and money if you’re interested in this kind of thing.

Mandy Valsinger

I was surprised and pleased to find the test results very detailed and informative. Well worth trying this out if you are interested in your mental capacity as you age.